About Me

Nigel Dell

Hello, my name is Nigel, a Cornishman living in the Welsh valleys. Having spent most of my working life as a chef and the last couple of years as a delivery driver, I have decided to try and get in to the world of web development. I started using the Codecademy platform in February '23 and quickly became hooked! I am currently around halfway through the Front-end Engineer skill path and feel comfortable writing HTML and CSS, along with using the relevant documentation to try new things. I am still getting to grips with the complexities of JavaScript, but know enough to write simple functions to make a site interactive. I'm really looking for a company that is willing to take a punt on someone who is a little older, but who is eager to learn so much more about building for the web. Outside of work I have my partner, Sharon, and two beautiful Border Collies who love, like me, getting to the beach as often as possible!